Origin of the band "Prior To The Innocent"...
"The Beginning"....The band started off as a trio with Tom Brown on guitar, Luke Conner (Ryan's cousin), and Chet Zieggler on bass. In time Ryan Noggle was introduced to the band to play rhythm guitar while Tom took care of lead. Eventually after starting to play mainly Metallica covers Tom stopped coming to practice so Luke gave him the boot then Ryan's friend Mike White was introduced to the band to play Rhythm guitar while Ryan played lead. Still playing Metallica and eventually Green Day covers and making up originals every once in a while they played a local talent show with Ryan on vocals. They played "Enter Sandman". It didn't go to bad except for the fact that the vocals were horrible. After that they decided they needed a singer. They found Eric Akino, he loved to sing Metallica so we brought him on board. The next year they played "Fade To Black" at the same local talent show. That time around it wasn't too bad. After that show the band really started to fall apart. They stopped practicing, Mike had fell in love and stopped playing as much, Luke started playing punk music all the time, Chet was usually no where to be found, and Ryan kept playing Metallica tunes and slipped into a stage of alcoholism eventually.
"Second time around"......
After every one had pretty much split up, Ryan and Mike still kept playing together. Luke and Chet pretty much went in different directions. Luke found another band in Danville and now lives in Arizona as the band "The Addicktives". Chet took off to Florida for a while then eventually to Indiana. He had found another band to play with. Ryan and Mike found Tony Becker. He was only 14 but was a very talented drummer. They continued to play Metallica covers and started to write some of their own. Mike was still very much in love with his girlfriend and Ryan felt he was spending too much time away from the band so Ryan told Mike he needed someone more reliable so then Mike was gone. After that Ryan and Tony wrote "Adios" together. They had Kai Hazel record the song and a few other Metallica songs and then the name "Prior To The Innocent" was born for the band. After that Ryan pretty much left Tony in the dirt for another band of older musicians. Rob and John (can't remember the last names). That band couldn't get moving so eventually disbanded. Ryan and Tony got back together and wrote three more songs together, "Hung Over", "Sexual Therapy", and our self titled song "Prior To The Innocent".
"Prior To The Innocent".....
After that they came up with a list of covers to do and were also working on some new songs as well as playing the ones Ryan and Tony had already wrote but making them just a bit more lethal. They learned some covers such as Zakk Wyldes rendition of "No More Tears", Ozzy Osbournes "Perry Mason", Drowning Pools "Bodies", Static X "Push It", and Tool "Sober", and more. Two more songs were also written, "My Own Level", and "Broken Bottle. Their first show was played at the 'Hoopeston VFW' with several other bands for an all day metal event. It went over well except for the fact that they didn't have much of a crowd. They went on to play about one show a month, 'TJ's Bar', 'The Halfway', 'The Big Barrell', 'The Danville Civic Center' for a battle of the bands show which they won 3rd place out of about 15 other bands. They also recorded a 6 song demo CD produced by Kevin Synclaire. It wasn't perfection but it was good for a demo. You will be able to find the music at www.mp3.com/priortotheinnocent
"A New Beginning".....
Chet called one day and came over to hear some of the stuff Ryan and Tony had been doing and eventually quit his band to join with Ryan and Tony. Once again a singer was needed then Chris Weber was found and Chris never really got to meet Tony because Tony split before they got the chance to meat so they needed another drummer. Ryan was working with Sarah Rasch and her husband just happened to be a drummer that wanted to play in a band. We then met James Rasch and as of February of 2002, that was the line up that we have today. Chris Weber on vocals, Ryan Noggle on guitar, Chet Zieggler on bass, and James Rasch on drums.